• Surf Tribe

    Vanfleteren, Stephan Hannibal Books EAN 9789492677365 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Veure altres productes del mateix autor
    n incomparable photo book about the international surf culture by Stephan Vanfleteren ?Surfing is about battles won and lost, communion with a mysterious and elusive energy force of nature and meditation as deep as any practiced by the most dedicated Zen monks. Look closely at this stunning col...
    Dimensions: 290 x 225 x 40 cm Peso: 2153 gr
    64,50 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-94-92677-36-5
    • Data d'edició : 01/07/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autor@s : Vanfleteren, Stephan
    • Nº de pàgines : 400
    • Col·lecció : Photography
    n incomparable photo book about the international surf culture by Stephan Vanfleteren ?Surfing is about battles won and lost, communion with a mysterious and elusive energy force of nature and meditation as deep as any practiced by the most dedicated Zen monks. Look closely at this stunning collection of portraits by Stephan Vanfleteren and see the warrior, priest and philosopher in each of these faces. Imagine the experiences, the thoughts, the feelings. If Stephan has captured anything, look deeply into the eyes and behold a world without fathom. Surfing is all about surfers even if the surfers always say that it?s all about the waves first then their surfboards after that. This is why this portrait collection is so provocative. Getting surfers to coherently articulate what it is that makes them tick is a fool?s mission. Surf Tribe evokes the readers to fill in all the blanks for themselves. Look deep and enjoy!? ? Gerry Lopez In Surf Tribe, photographer Stephan Vanfleteren shows that there is far more to surf culture than just competitive sport. Surfing is also about a deep respect for the

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